Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Fun in the... rain?

Dad wants YOU to come to Olympic National Park!

A couple of weeks ago, my dad and stepmom came to visit me here in "sunny" Bremerton.  We went on a tour of Olympic National Park, one of the nation's premiere stops for nature lovers.  We traveled in a loop around the park for three days, staying in three equally impressive "old school" hotels.

This is the payoff at the summit of one of our many hikes.   I was close enough to feel the waterfall's mist...wish I could remember what trail it was.

Searching for seals on the Pacific Ocean.

Kathy and Dad have some seriously high-powered binoculars, which paled when compared to Kathy's ability to spot bear/elk (with the naked eye) from a speeding rental car.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


 U.S. Navy photo by MC3 Matthew Patton.

Recently I produced a  video on a military Iron Chef competition.  The culinary specialist I highlighted in it is being featured on the Navy's blog.  This makes me REALLY happy.

Read the story and watch the video

Friday, May 20, 2011

What's a 9 to 5?

 Photo by MCSN Andy Jandik.

Wray and I are slowly realizing how much work a long-term documentary is to produce. 

I've been in post-production for episode 4 for the last few weeks, which has left little time and less energy to blog.  Once the ship gets out of the Controlled Industrial Area, I'll be allowed to bring my cell phone to work.  This means photos and stories for the blog!  Until then, I'll get posts up as I can. 


1.  Be flexible and learn to manage stress.  I'm currently struggling to balance my collateral duties (departmental training & ship maintenance) with my MC duties.  It's definitely stressful at times.  /sigh
You're going to be doing a bunch of different jobs in the Navy.  Some have nothing to do with being an MC.  It's part of being a Sailor.  

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Dry Dock episode 3: Overhaul

It's here!  For the first time ever, viewers can travel into a Controlled Industrial Area and witness the work taking place during a carrier's dry dock period. 

Watch episode 3