Sunday, July 24, 2011

Dry Dock episode 6: The Climb (advertisement)

After hiking for over two hours, we weren't halfway there.  Photo by MCCM Jon McMillan.

I saw the MWR (Morale Welfare and Recreation) advertisement for the Mount Saint Helens climb back in February.  My immediate thought was "we have to get a camera crew up there." And so began a 4-month journey filled with more twists, turns, and unexpected surprises than I could have ever imagined.

Episode Six of the Dry Dock series will tell the story of a group of 12 Nimitz Sailors who attempt to summit the 8,365 foot active volcano, and what they learned on the way up.

Let's just say that things don't always turn out as planned.


There are returning characters in episode six, so if you haven't been keeping up, here's the links to the previous five shows.

Episode 1: Arriving
Episode 2: Dry Dock
Episode 3: Overhaul
Episode 4: Many Hats
Episode 5: Adaptation

MCSA Ventura, MC3 Wray and I the morning of the climb. Photo by MCCM Jon McMillan.

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